10 Sustainable Fashion Brands With Fashion and Ethics


As we become increasingly aware of our collective impact on the environment, more and more people are looking for ways to make conscious decisions about their fashion choices. But finding sustainable fashion brands that don’t just talk the talk can be tough.

It’s not always easy to find a brand that understands both fashion and ethics, but there are some amazing companies out there that focus on both — from high-end designer brands to lifestyle labels with more accessible prices.

We’ve rounded up 10 sustainable fashion brands that have built their entire business model on sustainability and ethical production practices. In this article, we’ll share how each of these brands is creating impactful change in the fashion industry through mindful production practices, environmental consciousness, and social responsibility — all while delivering high-quality pieces that look good and make you feel good, too!

A Guide to Sustainable Fashion Brands

Are you looking to make more sustainable fashion choices but don't know where to start? Fear not! We've compiled a list of 10 top sustainable fashion brands that are actively making efforts to reduce their environmental impact, while also ensuring their workers are paid fair wages and have safe working conditions.

From organic cotton and recycled materials, to water-free dyeing processes and ethical labor standards, these brands have all taken the initiative to ensure their manufacturing process makes a positive impact on the world. Here's what you need to know:

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic pesticides or fertilizers, minimizing its environmental impact. Brands like Patagonia and Prana offer organic cotton options in their collections.

Recycled Materials

Some fashion brands are committed to preventing textile waste from ending up in landfills by turning it into something new. For instance, RE/DONE uses recycled denim fabrics for some of its pieces.

Water-Free Dyeing Processes

Waterless dyeing processes use no water and 60% less energy compared with traditional methods. Allbirds is using this technology for its shoes and apparel.

Ethical Labor Standards

Many sustainable fashion brands prioritize ethical labor standards such as fair wages, safe working conditions, and no child labor in their factories. Brands such as Everlane, People Tree, and Mat & Nat follow these practices to ensure their workers are treated properly.

By seeking out sustainable fashion brands that acknowledge these principles, you can be sure your wardrobe choices are making a positive contribution to the world!

Ethically Made Clothes: Strategic and Conscious Shopping

In recent years, the fashion industry has seen a surge in shop-conscious shoppers who demand more than just stylish apparel. They want pieces that are ethically made and sourced from sustainable materials. The good news is that there are brands out there that meet both of these criteria!

These sustainable fashion brands make it easy to shop with a conscience. Instead of buying cheap clothing made in risky working conditions, you can support businesses that prioritize ethics and sustainability. You can also take comfort in knowing that the clothing you buy will last longer and won’t need to be replaced as often.

From locally produced fabrics to natural dyes, these sustainable fashion brands have embraced processes that reduce their impact on the environment — and still make amazing apparel. So whether you’re looking for an ethical office outfit or an eco-friendly weekend look, these 10 sustainable fashion brands will have something for you.

The Future of Fair Trade Clothing

As an ethically-minded consumer, you want to make sure that what you buy has gone through the right channels. That's why it's important to look out for fair trade brands in the fashion industry. Fair trade clothing is made with respect for people and the environment –– no forced labor, no unethical health practices or environmental destruction.

But how can you be sure what you're buying is fair trade? Here are a few ways to tell:

  • Look out for symbols or logos that indicate if a product is certified as fair trade by an independent certification organization, such as Fairtrade International.

  • Do some research on your favorite brands. Do they use sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester? Are their factories certified as safe and humane working conditions?

  • Ask questions! Go beyond looking at labels and contact the brand directly with your questions about their sourcing practices and ethical standards.

Fair trade clothing not only benefits you, but also ensures sustainability in the future of fashion. It helps empower local communities by giving them access to better opportunities, meaningful employment, decent wages, health benefits and more. By supporting ethical fashion brands, you can help create a more just and sustainable future for all of us!

Natural Materials: Eco and Vegan-Friendly Fabrics

Finding sustainable fashion doesn't mean compromising on quality either. By sourcing natural materials and fabrics with a lower environmental impact, it's possible to get the same look and feel without the guilt.

Organic cotton

Organic cotton is a popular choice for sustainable fashion brands as it has a much lower environmental impact. It requires less water, has fewer pesticides, and produces 94% fewer carbon emissions in production than conventional cotton. Plus, organic is typically softer and stronger too!


Hemp fabric is highly breathable and absorbs moisture well, making it an ideal choice for clothing items like t-shirts. As hemp needs very little irrigation of water to grow, it's much more sustainable than other materials such as cotton or polyester. Hemp is also free of many harmful chemicals unlike conventional fabrics (namely plastic!), making it an ethical choice with environmentally-friendly properties too.

So if you're looking to make an ethical purchase but don't want to miss out on style or quality, these natural materials are definitely worth considering. From organic cotton to hemp fabric, find out what's right for you right now!

Shopping Locally: Supporting Local Businesses and Craftsmen

Shopping locally is a great way to support local businesses and craftspeople, and you can do so with eco-conscious fashion brands. A great example of this is the sustainable fashion brand People Tree, which operates a fair trade program that works with over 1,000 producers in 9 countries, providing them with training, education and healthcare. By shopping locally with these kinds of brands, you're not just helping out people in developing countries—you're also supporting your own local economy and helping small businesses to thrive.

Plus, when you shop locally you get the added bonus of knowing exactly where your clothes come from—it's much easier to check the ethics behind small businesses than the big ones! So if you want to make sure that your clothes are ethically sourced and sustainably produced, shopping locally is one of the best ways to do that.

Upcycling and Second-Hand Shopping for Vintage Finds

When it comes to sustainability, upcycling and second-hand shopping are great ways to find fashion with a story. Vintage finds are one of the most sustainable fashion choices, as they already exist and give items a whole new life. Plus, you can find some seriously unique items that no one else will have.

There are so many brands out there today who focus on upcycled and second-hand pieces. Here are some of the best:

  1. Reformation – Reformation is a sustainably-focused Los Angeles based brand that uses upcycled vintage textiles to create its collections.

  2. Carcel – Carcel is a fashion brand from Copenhagen which focuses on high quality materials and ethical production standards, with an emphasis on natural dyes and recycled fabrics as well as vintage pieces sourced from Kenya, India, and Nigeria.

  3. Komodo – Komodo is an ethical fashion brand from the UK that specializes in sustainable clothing made from organic cotton, recycled polyester, hemp, alpaca wool and Tencel® lyocell. They also sell second-hand clothing sourced from fair trade cooperatives in India and other countries around the world.

  4. Outerknown – Outerknown is an eco-friendly surfwear brand created by pro surfer Kelly Slater which uses recycled materials to create their collections while giving back to ocean conservation initiatives around the globe.

  5. VFTS Los Angeles - VFTS Los Angeles is an ethical fashion label with sustainability at its core which focuses on upcycling vintage and deadstock materials into streetwear inspired collections for both men and women.


The fashion industry has a long way to go before it is truly sustainable and ethical, but there are a lot of admirable companies out there that are already giving us a glimpse of what the future can look like. All of the brands we’ve highlighted in this article are taking bold steps to create fashion with a conscience. It’s inspiring to see how much of a difference these brands make and shows how we can all make the fashion industry a more sustainable and ethical place.

It is up to us as conscious consumers to make ethical and sustainable choices when we shop. We can support companies that are doing the right thing while also making sure to buy products that are made of quality material that will last. By doing this, we can ensure that our impact on the environment is reduced and that we’re supporting companies that are doing their best to create fashion with fashion and ethics.

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